Katrina Goldsworthy

Surviving the beef depression, losing a child to Leukaemia, being a spokesperson representing the community in a State Government Enquiry, relocating to Brisbane and starting a new career & lifestyle, breast cancer/overcoming serious heart problems are just some of the adversities which have influenced her art and outlook on life.
These experiences have enabled Katrina to take up Public Speaking and discover her artistic talents enabling her to express her love of the outback, voice her survival instincts and artistic calling. “You learn
to build a reservoir of skills and one day they just come out.”
Beef Australia 2012 Katrina showcased her art with her first solo exhibition ‘Cowicatures’ displaying her unique and eclectic style which captures the cattle industry. Katrina also spoke at the Ladies Lunch “Beauty and Beef” where she shared her journey through life. Solo exhibitions at Beef 2015, 2018,
2021 and 2016 Brahman Week in Rockhampton have followed. Not to mention a collaboration with 2 WCEI members Pia Du Pradal and Catherine Baudet.
Primarily her work is based on:
- Hero Portraits of Bulls & People painted on kangaroo hide with acrylic and stitched. Creating a 3d appearance on a 2d background. Please check her website www.thebullartist to
see current blogs.
- Other Genres created in Polychromas, Pen and Ink, Watercolour & Acrylic
Professionally: Katrina has been a Beef Producer, at one stage owning numerous Fabric stores in Central Queensland and is still a director of her family’s Financial Planning Business Goldsworthy Investments Pty Ltd in Brisbane.